Enrichment » My School In Motion

My School In Motion

The My School In Motion program is a school-wide daily fitness, nutrition, health and wellness program performed at the beginning of every school day. The program is grounded in the most current scientific research that links physical activity to improved student-learning outcomes. It features movement routines, set to a wide range of fun and engaging music, specifically designed to stimulate brain activity.

The movement routines integrate cardio-respiratory, muscular conditioning, and flexibility exercises, including yoga, plyometrics, isometrics, and skill-based movements.  The program also incorporates fitness, nutrition, health and wellness, and cross-curricular messages. The cognitive components of the program are delivered through “repeat-after-me/do after me” and “call-and-response” techniques – linking messages with kinesthetic movement – all designed to foster student learning.

All facets of the program are designed to bolster students’ self-esteem and promote personal wellbeing. The various physical tasks are designed so that every student can be successful performing them, regardless of grade level, age, fitness level, experience, or special needs.

My School In Motion is designed to support Common Core State Standards for grades K-12 and is aligned with the National Physical Education Content Standards and the National Health Education Content Standards as well as state physical education and health education content standards. The program is customizable and scalable for individual schools.
